Tuesday, July 10, 2012


It has been quite a while since I add some new content. Sorry about the lack of news. It has not been for a lack of activity that is for sure!

I have been busier than usual the past few weeks. I participated in an intensive two week course on marketing and product design focused on jewelry applications. It was an awesome class and I learned a lot, now I have even more ideas than before. 

There are several upcoming events and I have my work cut out for me.

I will be participating in the 5th Beijing International Art Biennale 2012, the opening ceremony is in Late September (the 28th I believe) and will run until October 22nd.

The next stop after that should be Red Dot in Miami in December of 2012

I will then be having my first solo show in 2013 at the Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano (June, 2013).

Besides planing and organizing for all the upcoming shows/events I need to get a lot of new art work completed. Over the next several months I plan to dedicate myself completely to producing the new series of Monetary Bondage pieces. As well as planning a launch for a new collection of very special rings. (here are some of the rings I have made in the past) I may even need to start a new blog/website in order to give them the appropriate space and attention that they will deserve. 

For now I am off to the studio to wrap up a few loose ends and then getting to the "real work".
I'll be back as soon as I can to share the progress and happenings.
Until next time.
Peace and Love

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